When it comes to losing fat you must start with the end in mind.
Starting without measuring where you are and where you intend to go is certainly taking you nowhere.
This can often be people’s first mistake of not identifying when and how much fat they want to lose.
Once point A (starting point) & point B (end goal) has been uncovered then the next step is learning and understanding.
Often people will put this in the hand of the trainer and relinquish all responsibility to a third party. This is a huge mistake.
Yes, if you follow instructions then in the short term you’ll get the results you’re after…
Taking an interest, learning, “buying in” to what and why you’re doing something will create accountability and better overall compliance.
What happens when you trainer goes on vacation or you go on vacation?
If you have a “good” coach they should be able to teach you rather than spoon feed you.
Losing fat is hard and isn’t always a straight line from point A to point B.
It’s a journey that will take more time and effort than you think. So, make sure that you pick a method that you’ll enjoy when the going gets tough.
If you hate what you’re eating and don’t enjoy the mode of exercise that you are doing… Then there is slim chance that you’ll continue or be successful.
Either learn to enjoy it or find something that works for you.
Lastly, make sure you have an exit strategy.
Make sure once you have reached the summit (point B), it’s not all Doritos and Pina Coladas.
It takes a huge amount of sacrifice and effort to reach a significant body fat goal…. And it can be undone with the blink of an eye if you’re not careful.
Join our next cycle of the 6in4 challenge and we’ll take you from point A to point B the ‘right way’.
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